SAG - Welcoming the Dragons

Welcoming the Dragons!

Following Orientation day, our first week of school included a series of afternoons to help welcome and support our new Sagonaska Dragons. The afternoons were designed to help the students and staff get to know each other, start to establish a sense of community and ease anxieties about the new school year. They were a great way for everyone to have fun together, for the students to get to know the campus and for our young people to ease into their totally new environment, away from home.

Students participated in a rotation of challenges for student groups to complete, facilitated by teacher teams who promoted communication, collaboration and problem solving. These challenges included Save Fred (rescuing a gummy fish from a capsized boat), Paper Chains (building the longest paper chain possible using just 4 sheets of paper), Marble Run (moving a marble as far as possible with cardboard tubes), Spaghetti Tower (building the tallest possible tower with only spaghetti and marshmallows), and finally, Cup Elastics (stacking cups as high as possible using only elastics to move them).  

Our dragonettes all hatched beautifully during their first week and have already started to find their wings and sense of direction. We can’t wait to watch them fly! 

Two Sagonaska students playing a game of Cup Elastics (stacking cups as high as possible using only elastics to move them).

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, Sagonaska visited the Frink Centre for a day of outdoor experiential learning and community building. Students engaged in two hands-on programs: a Marsh Study and Shelter Building. During the Marsh Study, we explored the boardwalk, where students used nets and buckets to collect and observe various species, including tadpoles, frogs, and painted turtles. 
The Shelter Building program involved a hike through the forest, where we learned about different types of animal shelters and tree species. In the Shelter Building activity, students physically constructed shelters using natural materials found in the forest. This reinforced environmental science concepts and promoted teamwork, as students collaborated to build functional shelters. 
We enjoyed a shared lunch under the pavilion, followed by roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. 

Overall, the trip was a valuable opportunity to enjoy the sunshine, build connections with nature, each other and foster community/teamwork in a meaningful way.

SAG students at the Frink Centre

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